Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Today was Edwin's Funeral

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My Dad - The Highschool Essay Contest Winner

Dad's Obituary
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Computers That Changed the World

Pagewriters (3), operators consoles (2), and a wall full of central processing units
My Dad's Library
I was going through the books that my mom hasn’t disposed of yet from my dad’s library. Here were some of his favorite reads:
Hydrodynamics in Ship Design
Principles of Naval Architecture
Non-Destructive Inspection of Hull Welds
Theory of Ship Motions, Vols 1 and 2
A Guide to Sound Ship Structures
Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures
Stress: A Reference Manual
Theoretical Soil Mechanics
Numerical Methods of Mathematical Optimization
Theory of Plates and Shells
Stresses in Aircraft and Shell Structures
Theory of Elastic Stability
Structural Welding Codes
Analytical and Applied Mechanics
Marine Salvage Operations
Finite Element Analysis for Thin Shells and Curved Members
Introduction to Structural Stability Theory
Buckling Strength of Metal Structures
The Theory of Splines and their Applications
Theory and Applications of Spline functions
Differential Equations
Mechanical Vibrations
Beams on Elastic Foundations
System 360 Programming: A Self Instruction Manual
Univac 1108 Multiprocessor System
IBM SOAP II Reference Manual for the IBM 650 Data Processing System
Using the IBM 1130
And my all time favorite - PLAP Jacket Launch User’s Manual: A computer program for platform launch and upending analysis
Imagine being a 13 year old and needing help with your homework. I used to dread it and love it all at the same time. I knew that it would be fun spending time with my dad and letting him explain things to me, but he usually lost me within the first 5 minutes of instruction. I acted like I understood, then I went back to my room and tried to put it all together. It usually took me hours, but I always got it in the end.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Behind Every Man...

Fast forward 10 years and my Mom was still taking care of my Dad, though my Dad was mentally and physically much more challenged and needed much more care. Mom had to be there in every way. She lamented the day she had to admit that Dad's health problems were bigger than she is (and at 4'10", she really managed to handle more than anyone I know!). My Dad went to a wonderful place to receive the care he deserved and my Mom visited as often as she could - she made friends with so many of the folks at the Cottages of Clear Lake- and now is realizing she wants to return as a volunteer and continue to touch their lives with her wonderful, outgoing spirit. My mother walks in and everyone looks at her as she talks to them - CONNECTS with them - and brings smiles to so many. I could go on....suffice to say, our mother has provided us with a clear directive and purposeful point of view -- again in her words, "there is nothing like family". We love you Mom.
Dad's Red Sports Car

Ties That Bind

Edwin Faraday Phillips (October 05, 1930 - March 22, 2008)
Mom, Eric, Jenessa, David, Babs and Dad